Work as Unto the Lord

Do you ever have that moment when you just can’t do something that should not be a big deal to do? Housework, laundry, mowing the grass – you know just normal everyday living stuff.  It is so easy to put it off and say I can do that later or tomorrow but “tomorrow” never comes and the chores are still looking you right in the face. Or maybe it is a homework assignment or some project for work that you are just dreading to do.

Col 3:17 says “whatsoever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus…”  Then in Col 3:23 “and whatsoever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not unto men.”

So next time you get ready to clean those bathrooms, or do something for your boss or for school think of it as doing it “as unto the Lord” and it may just take the drudgery out of those things we wish we didn’t have to do.

He may have to work on us for the heartily part. LOL. 

Be Blessed!

Pastor Suzanne



A Spirit of Generosity

I was meditating on the scripture in 2 Cor. 9 which talks about being givers. And then Psalms 112 caught my eye.

Here is a portion of it in The Message:

“Hallelujah!  Blessed man, blessed woman, who fear God.  Their houses brim with wealth and a generosity that never runs dry.  Sunrise breaks through the darkness for good people – God’s grace and mercy and justice! The good person is generous and lends lavishly. Unfazed by rumor and gossip, heart ready, trusting in God, the Spirit firm, unperturbed, ever blessed, relaxed among enemies, they lavish gifts on the poor- A generosity that goes on, and on, and on. An honored life! A beautiful life!“

I pray that that spirit of generosity would engulf each of us as we continue to grow in the knowledge of Jesus Christ. That we don’t have to fear what the world or the enemy says to us for our confidence is in the Lord. “Sunrise breaks through the darkness”!

2Cor 9:6 states, ”he that sows sparingly will reap sparingly, but he that sows bountifully shall reap bountifully.”

I choose to be a bountiful sower.  For it truly is more blessed to give than to receive.


Be a generous blessing to someone today!

Pastor Suzanne



True Liberty

July 4th!  The birth of this great nation.  There are many things imperfect with this nation, but there are many things that are a blessing in this nation.  Do you ever wonder why so many people want to live in the USA?  If you have ever traveled abroad, you begin to appreciate the lifestyle and freedoms we have in this country.  But true freedom comes from the Son of God.
John 8:36 – “If the Son makes you free you are free indeed!”
Romans 8:2  “For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.”
So my friends I encourage you to do as Paul told the Galatians (Gal 5:1) “to stand fast in the liberty which Christ has made us free and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.”
True “freedom” comes when we give our lives to Jesus, accepting what He did for us on Calvary and through his resurrection having life eternal.



Pastor Suzanne


Summer is Here


School is out and summer has arrived! Ecclesiastes 3:1 says to everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. Let us purpose ourselves to follow in the steps of Jesus, to pray without ceasing, to be a light unto the world and to follow where He leads.
Have a fun and safe summer!
Pastor Suzanne


Mother’s Day Poem


Mother’s Day is the time we honor our mothers. Whether your mother is living or passed on, we honor the dedication she gave to provide love, protection and sustenance for each of her children. Matthew 15:4 says, “Honor your father and mother.” This poem by Marian Kehrley caught my eye and is so true about mothers.
The Mothering Job © Marian N Kehrley
I watched my Mom fill out an application.
I looked at the line that asks about past professions.
I thought to myself, that space is too small
To write down what she’s been, to cover it all.
She was a nurse when I fell and scraped my knee.
She was a maid when I didn’t wipe my feet.
She was a designer when my clothes didn’t match.
She was a tailor when my pants needed a patch.
She was a teacher when I asked a question.
She was a priest when I had a confession.
She was a psychiatrist when I came home crying.
She was a preacher when I got caught lying.
She was a singer when she sung me to sleep.
She was a lifeguard when she said the water’s too deep.
There are many more, yet the best one to me,
She was a best friend and mine forever she’ll be.
Happy Mother’s Day!


Easter Season


Spring has come! Flowers are in bloom, gardens are planted, trees are full of pollen and we are sniffling, sneezing and enjoying this season of the year. Easter seems a little late in the year in 2017, but what a glorious time to remember what our Savior has done for us! Not only His suffering and death for all mankind, but His resurrection from that death that we might live with HIM throughout eternity. Praise God for the sacrificial Lamb, that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes on HIM should not perish, but have eternal life! So as we celebrate this glorious occasion, let us reflect on how loved we are by our heavenly Father and give Him all the praise and glory and honor.
Blessed Resurrection season!
Pastor Suzanne