Easter Season


Spring has come! Flowers are in bloom, gardens are planted, trees are full of pollen and we are sniffling, sneezing and enjoying this season of the year. Easter seems a little late in the year in 2017, but what a glorious time to remember what our Savior has done for us! Not only His suffering and death for all mankind, but His resurrection from that death that we might live with HIM throughout eternity. Praise God for the sacrificial Lamb, that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes on HIM should not perish, but have eternal life! So as we celebrate this glorious occasion, let us reflect on how loved we are by our heavenly Father and give Him all the praise and glory and honor.
Blessed Resurrection season!
Pastor Suzanne


The Resurrection Difference


The singular tenet offset, which separates Christianity from other religions is: the RESURRECTION. Other religions have, in their history, charismatic leaders, miracle workers, wise teachers, proclaimed messiahs and even martyrs. What is the difference? JESUS is the only one validated by resurrection. Thus, the Father testifies JESUS is the King of kings, Lord of lords, Savior of all mankind. Resurrection is the hope of every believer. To follow in the example of our Lord, that death possesses no victory but has been destroyed by HIM. The end result: we, HIS disciples will spend all eternity with HIM. That power, the RESURRECTION, works in us now and eternity to come.
Blessings to you all!
Pastor Chuck